

Information of the Educational Establishment "Polessky State University" on one-year Master's degree programs

Following the recommendation of Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE) of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China the Educational Establishment "Polessky State University" publishes information about one-year master's degree programs for foreign citizens of the People's Republic of China. The CSCSE appreciation of the level of students' training at the University is of great value for the university, expressed in the recognition of the diplomas of our graduates.

In 2021, the admission of foreign citizens from the People's Republic of China was carried out according to educational programs of the second stage of higher education (master's degree) with training in English (full-time education) in the following specialties:

1-25 80 01 "Economics" (profile "Economics and innovative business development");

1-08 80 04 "Physical Training and Sports" (specialization "Scientific-Methodical and Medical-Biological Support in Physical Training and Sports")

1-31 80 12 "Microbiology" (profile "Applied Biotechnology")

1-26 80 05 "Marketing".

In 2021 102 foreign citizens from People's Republic of China were enrolled in the University (Appendix

In 2022, 14 undergraduates successfully completed their studies:

- English-language program, specialty 1-25 80 01 "Economics" (profile "Economics and innovative business development"): LI NAN, LI YANLONG,  XU BAICHUAN,    DU XIAOKUN,  LI XIAOJING,  LI YANG,   QIN YU,  HAN SHUHONG,    LI MING.

- English-language program, specialty 1-26 80 05 Marketing: WANG KAI, LIANG XINYANG, GAO DONGZE;

- English-language program, specialty 1-08 80 04 "Physical Education and Sport" (specialization "Scientific-Methodological and Medical-Biological Support in Physical Education and Sport"): SONG LIANG;

English-language program, specialty 1-31 80 12 "Microbiology" (profile "Applied Biotechnology"): LI XINHAO.

In 2023, graduate students successfully completed their studies:
English-language program 1-08 80 04 "Physical Education and Sports" (specialization "Scientific-Methodological and Medical-Biological Support in Physical Education and Sports"): CONG GUANG, LIU NAN, LIU CHONGLIANG, GU PENG, LI JINGYU, DONG XINPING,  LI SHAOPENG, WANG QIN, LI YUE, WEI LIUCHANG, WU NIANSI, FENG ZHIYI, LIN ZHIJIAN, LI SHUISHENG, JIANG DONGLIN, CHENG RONG, ZHANG YIWEI, YE FEI, XU WENCHAO, WANG DALONG, YI JUN, ZHU JING,  LUO HAIBO.


English-language program, specialty 1-31 80 12 "Microbiology" (profile "Applied Biotechnology"): Li YI, XU JIXING, DENG HUIYA, SANG HEXIAN.

- English-language program, specialty 1-26 80 05 Marketing: LING XUZE; YANG JING; ZHANG FENG, WEI ZHENYUE; BAI CUICUI.

In 2024, graduate students successfully completed their studies:

English-language program, specialty 7-06-0311-01 "Economics" (profile "Economics and innovative business development"): WANG SHAONAN, WANG YAWEN, WEI TENGYAO, WENG YANG, LU QIANG, TAN HAO, HAN BOYAN, JIANG YONG, ZHANG YIFAN, SHAO LONGFEI, CHU SIQI, LI RONG, MA LIANG, SUN YICHEN, LI JUNYANG, Liu Ya, CHU Junhao, SUN MENGXIONG. English-language program 7-06-1012-01 "Physical Education and Sports" (specialization "Scientific-Methodological and Medical-Biological Support in Physical Education and Sports"): Huo Hao, Gao Penpeng, Ma Mingze, Hu Wenchao, Sun Hang.

English-language program, specialty 7-06-0511-03  "Microbiology" (profile "Applied Biotechnology"): Chen Junxin, Qian Lulu

English-language program, specialty 7-06-0311-02 "Finance, money circulation and credit": Liu Qinyuan, Li Dongyang, Wang Zhi, Wang Ziren.

In 2025, graduate students successfully completed their studies:

English-language program, specialty 7-06-0311-01 "Economics" (profile "Economics and innovative business development"): Gao Ge.

Currently, the admission and training of citizens of the People's Republic of China is organized in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated July 29, 2021 No. 577, the Rules for the admission of persons for higher education of the II level, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated February 2, 2012 No. 110 and the Procedure for Admission of Persons for Obtaining Higher Education of the II Stage, Ensuring the Obtainment of a Master's Degree at the Educational Establishment "Polessky State University". The term of study for each program is indicated on the official website of the university in the "Master course program" section. Students can get acquainted with the schedule of classes on the official website of the university (https://www.polessu.by/ ).

In order to ensure the quality of the learning process and the acquisition of knowledge that meets modern requirements of higher education, modern tools of informatization of the learning process have been involved and used:

  1. The timetable of training sessions was made with the use of information technologies, taking into account the appeals and interests of students, while strictly complying with the requirements of the educational standard for each specialty.
  2. The educational process was conducted with the use of corporate platforms "Moodle" (https://moodle.polessu.by/ ) and Microsoft Teams. These platforms have proven their effectiveness and are actively used in the educational process of Polessky State University for a long time. The platforms allow for high-quality online meetings, collaborate on documents, plan and control tasks, demonstrate presentations, conduct surveys and exercise other forms of control. The platforms provide unlimited access to educational and methodological materials on the disciplines of the curriculum, library funds, the possibility of conducting intermediate and ongoing certification of students in academic disciplines. In the process of teaching Chinese students, the university provided lectures, practical, seminars, intermediate and current control, as well as individual and collective consultations in a format convenient for students.
  3. During the entire period of study, students had the opportunity to study independently the teaching materials for the studied disciplines. All disciplines are provided with teaching aids that contain theoretical presentations on all sections of the program, methods of practical exercises, tests for self-monitoring of knowledge and other materials. The University library provides access to the resources of various publishers, including the collection of world open access publishers (section "Open Access Internet Resources": https://goo.su/uiZgLc).

The following measures have been implemented to improve the quality of learning:

1. The use of a rating system. In accordance with the Regulations "On the rating system of knowledge assessment in the Educational Establishment "Polessky State University" from 30.01.2020 the progress of students in disciplines is assessed during the current (modular) control and ongoing assessment. Current (modular) knowledge control is designed for regular and systematic testing of students' knowledge during classes and on the results of students' independent work. It is carried out during a semester after the study of relevant topics. Current (modular) control is carried out in the form of written tests, while the current certification is an exam in the sessional period in the discipline.

2. Monitoring the assimilation of knowledge in the interactive virtual learning environment Moodle. To conduct lectures on the basis of this platform, the material is presented in the format of interactive lectures with sequential control of the assimilation of the material (until the passed part of the material is mastered, the master's student will not be able to continue studying the material). To control the implementation of practical, seminar and laboratory work, separate tasks are attached to each topic (calculation tasks, cases, matrix, statistical, etc. types of analysis, graphic material, etc.), which students need to complete in order to consolidate the topic. Each assignment is checked by the teacher. Grades form a summary sheet, on the basis of which the final grade is set.

3. For each examination discipline, the teacher sets control points (written test papers, compilation of business plans, solving a set of calculation problems, etc.). Grades for completed assignments are entered by the teacher in the checklist, on the basis of which a grade is derived that determines the progress of the student during the semester (current control).

4. Research practice of master students takes place at the university under the supervision of a teacher, has a practical orientation and includes a comparative analysis of industries of the People's Republic of China, enterprises of respective industries and subjects of industry infrastructure.

5. Conditions have been created for interaction on a permanent basis between students, on the one hand, and supervisors of master's theses, teachers of disciplines, employees of the Department of International Relations of the University, on the other hand, in the form of individual and group counseling, tutoring, conversations.

6. The defense of the dissertation is conducted at the University in accordance with the Regulations on the current and final attestation of students in the Educational Establishment "Polessky State University".