"Modernization of Higher Education of the Republic of Belarus" (Investment Project under Financial Support of World Bank)
Vitali T. Cheshchevik – Dean of Biotechnological Faculty
Phone: +375 (165) 31 08 30
E-mail: cheshchevik.v@polessu.by
Project coordinator: V.N. Shtepa, PhD, Associate Professor
E-mail: shtepa.v@polessu.by
Polessky State University
Proposal for an innovative project in the field of water resources
“Technology of Safe Water-Supply System”

Head of Eco-Engeneering Laboratory
Tel. (GSM): +375 44 465 73 14
e-mail: shtepa.v@polessu.by
Dear Сollegues,
We would like to offer a technological complex of uninterrupted water-supply and sanitation system (SUW complex) which provides:
- polluted water treatment to satisfy the requirements to potable or process water at the outlet;
- treatment of industrial waste water to produce a water with specified biological, physical and chemical characteristics (water conditioning);
- residental waters treatment;
- treatment of filtrate from equipment working on "Reverse Osmosis";
- sea water desalination;
- processing of chemicals;
- utilization of storage capacities at industrial enterprises.
Operation of the complex allows to:
- reuse of treated water at an enterprise technology;
- reduce production price;
- increase profits at an enterprise.
Reagent and cartridge-type filters are not used for sewage and waste water, chemical processing, desalination of sea water .
Water treatment and desalination of sea water are carried out by means of electrical energy - physical fields (ultrasound, magnetic field, thermal radiation, etc.).
Processing costs for a 1 m3 of water depend on the water characteristics and are:
- about 3 kW of electrical power for sea water desalination ;
- about 1 kW of electrical power for purification of drinking water ;
- 0.6 - 3 kW of electrical power for residental waters treatment;
- about 3 kW of electrical power for the industrial sewage treatment ;
- about 6 kW of electrical power for chemicals processing .
Water reuse in the production line of an enterprise allows to:
- reduce the water consumption to 95 % ;
- reduce the effluent discharge into the sewer to 100%;
- cut down the expenses for water treatment up to 90 %.
The advantages of the SUW complex relatively to analogs are (table 1):
- lack of supplies - only electricity;
- providing of multiple water use according to the water quality requirements (process water , drinking water , etc.) ;
- deep adjustment (from 40 to 100 %), which allows to work :
- under conditions of salvo blowout of water pollutants ;
- at night (nightly rates) ;
- the complex operation is independent of the long-term stops;
- the complex occupies small area.
Table 1. – Specifications SUW complex
The volume of sewageprocessed | The floor space necessary for the complex | The amount of space required for the complex |
80 m3 per day | 5 - 15 m2 | 50 m3 |
500 m3 per day | 25 - 30 m2 | 100 m3 |
1000 m3 per day | 75 m2 | 250 m3 |
Documents on mud - filtrate will be given.
Indicators of polluted water treatment by the help of SUW complex are given in Annex 1 (1 page) .
The list of companies where the complex has worked is given in Annex 2 (1 page)
The list of industries where the complex can be used is shown in Annex 3 (3 pages) .
Description of the technology is given in the Annex 4 (11 pages).
The SUW complex provided an ion-exchange water conditioning with solution preparation for ion-exchange filters’ cleaning and regenerate processing ( neutralization ) with the continued use of treated water in the circulating water supply, water recycling of electroplating.
The questionnaire for the projecting of water treatment systems is given in Annex 5 (1 page).
We are proposing you to consider the SUW complex application for treatment of sewage and polluted water, water conditioning for the needs of enterprises, desalination of sea water. The main objectives of the SUW complex are improving the environment in the region and human health , reducing production costs and increasing the profits of enterprises .
In case of interest we offer to meet with your technologists, to familiarize with the equipment located in Ukraine and the technology of the SUW complex. The cost of the SUW complex depends on the functional characteristics .
In order to provide :
- the final cost of the SUW complex ;
- installed electric power;
- the schedule of works ,
the follow information is needed:
- requirements for water quality at the outlet from the SUW complex ;
- characteristics of contaminated water at the entrance to the SUW complex .
Annex 1
The main characteristics of SUW: non-chemical cleaning; automatic operation; absence of removable elements for water treatment (cartridges, filling the filter); self-dependent regeneration system; minimum of footprint; operates under conditions of salvo blowout of water pollutants .
Indicators of water treatment by SUW
№ |
Indicator |
Unit measure |
Content of elements in water |
Before the treatment |
After the first treatment |
1 | 2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 | Suspended solids | mg/dm 3 | 15000 | 5,0 |
2 | Petroleum products | mg/dm 3 | 250 | 3-5 |
3 | BOD5 | mg/dm 3 | 300 | 200 |
4 | The dry residue (for ballast water) |
mg/dm 3 | 18000 | 900 |
5* | Chlorides | mg/dm 3 | 250-600 | 200 |
6* | Sulfates | mg/dm 3 | 600 | 200 |
7* | Nitrates | mg/dm 3 | 50 | 5 - 10 |
8 | Detergents | mg/dm 3 | 5,0 | 0,01 |
9 | Sanitary bacteriological indicators | Not limited | Sanitary standart | |
10 | Total iron | mg/dm 3 | 20-30 | 0,08-0,13 |
11 | Zinc | mg/dm 3 | 30-40 | 0,081-0,13 |
12 | Copper | mg/dm 3 | 10-15 | 0,06-0,14 |
13 | Reaction pH | - | 3,7 – 8,7 | 6,5 – 9,0 |
* - Removal of chlorides, sulfates and nitrates are all within 40% of baseline, depending on the pH, the total salt content at the raw water in one pass of the polluted water through complex SUW. For two passes the content of chlorides, sulfates, nitrates reduced by 2 times, in three passes – for three times and so on.
Annex 2
The complex has carried out the treatment of manufacturing water and has successfully provided the reuse of water in the following establishments:
- the "Kiev communal services "Stolychnyy", Kiev, Ukraine.
The company has carried out the washing and dry-cleaning of clothes.
The implementation of the SUW complex at this company helped to reduce:
- the water consumption from water pipeline by 95 % ;
- discharge of wastes into the sewer by 95%.
Safe mud-filtrate in dry form (class “building refuse”) was received and used for needs of building industry.
The complex has allowed to provide the technology needs of the company in water volume of 80 m3 per day ;
- the "Kiev factory "Electric", Kiev, Ukraine.
The SUW complex has carried out the treatment of contaminated water after galvanizing(-bath) room with followed water delivery to the manufacture.
At the output after such treatment was formed :
- thickened mass of hydrophobic material which suitable for recycling or use as a filler in the manufacture of building materials ;
- water with technical parameters of GOST 9.314-90 "Water for electroplating and leaching circuit ", GOST 9.305-84 " Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coating"
Using of the SUW complex has allowed the factory to reduce water consumption from water pipeline by 70% (namely from 39.5 million m3 to 11.3 million m3) and to cut down expenses for water conditioning.
Results of sludge’s comparative study are given in the table
Metals | Fixation reliability of heavy metals in sludge, mg / l. | |
The sludge that was obtained by alkaline reagents' neutralizing of wastewater | The sludge that was produced by the SUW complex | |
Zn | < 252,00 | < 0,01 |
Pb | < 0,05 | < 0,05 |
Ni | 2,50 | < 0,05 |
Cr | 5,37 | < 0,01 |
- the "Kiev factory " Quantum ", Kiev, Ukraine.
The complex has carried out the treatment of wastewater at the metal coating area in the volume of 144 m3 per shift (432 m3 per day) with followed delivery of purified and treated water (according to the technological requirements ) for the needs of the enterprise .
During the operation, the SUW complex formed safe mud-filtrate in dry form (class “building refuse”) which was used for needs of building industry.
- the SPA "Rotor" (which is called "Bogdan" now), Cherkassy, Ukraine.
The SUW complex provided an ion-exchange water conditioning with solution preparation for ion-exchange filters’ cleaning and regenerate processing (neutralization) with the continued use of treated water in the circulating water supply, water recycling of electroplating .
Annex 3
The SUW complex uses in its work the following technologies: non-chemical, self-regeneration, automated, without changing of water-purifying elements (absence of cartridges, etc.).
The principle of operation is based on the pass of continuously flow of polluted water through the artificially created, recirculation working volume with buffer anionic and cationic properties.
Branchof industry |
Application effect |
Sea water desalination for industry |
Drinking water purification: from the water supply system or a natural water source |
Chemical industry (nitrogen, man-made fiber, coating plants etc.) |
Machinery (including galvanizing(-bath) rooms) and Metallurgy |
Branchof Industry |
Application effect |
required water composition at the exit of the Complex ( including water return to the set pH parameters (acidic and alkaline)
Wastewater treatment and recycling water-supply of enterprise in general
Ore-dressing Mills |
Pharmaceutical industry | 1. Reagent-free water-supply ; 2 . Water disinfection ; 3 . Distillate preparation. |
Food industry (sugar, distillery, butter-milk plants, meat processing plants, confectionaries, etc.) |
1. Reagent-free water-supply and water disinfection ; 2 . Sewage treatment (including adjustments by pH , BOD ( biochemical oxygen demand , O2 ), and ammonium, the removal of phosphates , nitrates ) ; 3 . Recycling water-supply at company. |
Cattle breeding, poultry keeping and pig-breeding | 1. Reagent-free water-supply and water disinfection for drinking ; 2 . Sewage treatment (including adjustments by pH , BOD ( biochemical oxygen demand , O2 ), and ammonium, the removal of phosphates , nitrates ) ; 3 . Recycling water-supply of company; 4 . Organic wastes' recycling into organic fertilizer. |
Light industry (leather and fur factories, garment factories, wallpaper factory, laundry and paint factories, etc.) |
1. Reagent-free water-supply and water disinfection ; 2. Sewage treatment (including adjustments by pH , BOD ( biochemical oxygen demand , O2 ), and the removal of organic and inorganic dyes) ; 3. Recycling water-supply at company. |
Paperindustry | 1. Reagent-free water-supply and water disinfection; 2 . Sewage treatment (including adjustments by pH , BOD ( biochemical oxygen demand , O2 ), removal of microfibre and starch); 3 . Recycling water-supply at company. |
Refineries | 1. Reagent-free water-supply and water disinfection; 2 . Waste water treatment . |
Oil production | 1. Reagent-free water-supply and water disinfection of reservoir water; 2. Waste water treatment and reservoir water. |
Branchof Industry |
Application effect |
Municipal economy | 1. Change of water supply schemes at settlements, sea water desalination and drinking water treatment ( reduction of prices of 1 m3 of water); 2. Municipal waste water treatment ; 3. Sludge recycling at wastewater treatment plants for fertilizer ; 4. Eliminating of infiltration at domestic landfills and their drains cleaning. |
Compare the benefits
of the complex of uninterrupted water-supply and sanitation system (SUW complex) Replacements
(including the leaders of the world market)
Analogues | The SUWcomplex |
Regular need to use expensive consumables ( reagents , cartridges, bacteria , etc.) |
Non-chemical cleaning |
Inability to resist volley of water pollution and sensitivity to long-term shutdowns - unable , without costly and long-term re- start regeneration |
Working in a salvo revenue water pollutants, does not depend on long-term stops Complex |
The performance of purification : - Water Supply (water and sanitation ) - 6 USD. (0,74 USD) for 1 m3 ; - biological treatment of domestic wastewater - 1.5 - 3 USD . (0,18 - 0,36 USD) for 1 m3 ; - reagent treatment of domestic wastewater - 1.8 - 5 UAH . (0.22 - 0.60 USD) per 1 m3 ; - waste chemical industry - 100 UAH . (12 USD) or more for 1 m3 ; - the desalination of sea water - from 15 to 30 kW of electrical power for the desalination of sea water 1 m3 |
up to 3 kW of electrical power |
Water can be used only once : " Took - dropped " |
Provides multiple use of water according to the requirements for water quality: (technical, drinking, etc.) |
Analogues | The SUWcomplex |
Deposition of sediment in hazardous waste landfills |
Deposition of sediment in the non-hazardous waste landfills as well: a concrete block, a pigment, shingles |
It occupies a large area and room volumes |
For the desalination of sea water, industrial wastewater volume of 80 m3 per day under the main technical installation need the room: - area - 5 m2 ; - volume - 15 m3 .. |
The basic technological equipment is intended for treatment of domestic and industrial drains, including electroplating effluent passing while stressing the need of solutions necessary chemical components and connections.
The technology used allows you to use the physical fields (ultrasound , magnetic field , thermal radiation , etc.) control over the molecular structure of aqueous solutions , yielding pre-defined set of water quality parameters and / or the composition of the extracted components.
The need for a SBV as a harmonized set of water and wastewater treatment is dictated by what is known and the proposed list of similar technologies and technical performance of non-standard equipment recycling systems have low reliability.
Analysis of similar technologies and hardware designs of drinking water shows that almost all of them use one of the main 4 existing methods of water purification. Of the variety of methods used by water and wastewater treatment in the world in efficiency are four main products: reagent , ion exchange , electrodialysis , electrochemical .
The proposed technology was first used in all the main methods of cleaning as the main maximum elimination of inherent flaws.
The principle of operation is based on the SUW stepwise processing of fluid flow in the liquid and gas phase in the three closed recirculating bypass circuits in general make up a system of " consumer" - "a source of water supply ."
The peak concentration of the metal salts of iron, zinc , nickel and other substances on the inlet unit may reach 100 g / l and more .
Cleaning is performed in the electrokinetic flow processes.
For hazardous waste treatment used as a reagent iron salts produced during electrolysis of the metal.
The SUW complex for water and wastewater treatment

Installation of domestic waste water treatment capacity of 5 m3 per day, covers an area of 2 m2

At the output of the system after cleaning is formed:
- Thickened mass of hydrophobic material suitable for recycling or use as a filler in the manufacture of building materials;
- Technical water
SUW can be used for purification of tap water up to the standards "Drinking Water" installation SUW online at the entrance of the residential high-rise building. At the same time prevents the appearance of SUW in the tap water with degraded performance due to unforeseen accidents in the supply distribution network or head treatment facilities.
SUW application at the exit of the sewer network of residential high-rise building makes possible the separation of the supply circuits:
- drinking water;
- tank.
This is especially valuable for southern areas with inadequate water supply. In this case, all the cleaning products do not have the hazard class and discharged into the sewage system in normal mode without exceeding MACs.
Installing the SUW - 5.0
Capacity up to 5 m3 per day of sewage and waste water

Capacity up to 80 m3 per day of sewage and waste water
The area occupied by the installation - 10 m2

The SUW structure
The main SUW nodes are :
1. Cyclones
Cyclones are connected in series and operate functions intensification of flotation or sedimentation of the reaction products with their withdrawal from the stream for further processing. Mounted in the cyclone body electrodes connected to the instrumentation .
2. Electrolysis Wan
Water from the receiving chamber with a uniform direction misses the electrolysis chamber where the cathodes and anodes are set , connected with instrumentation . If necessary ( depending on the sinks) are placed in the anode catalyst space .
On the anode chamber of the electrolysis zone water gets into the anode chamber with a cathode - a cathode .
The anode and cathode chambers are connected with a line pump.
3. Filter
The filter is formed by a cutter powder ( grade construction wastes) in the purification process .
The structure of the filter are:
- distribution tank ;
- chamber;
- thickener
4. Panel
Provides control of water treatment in the SBV .
5. Centrifugal pump
Provides zagrznennoy pumping water. Centrifugal pump is a major consumer of electrical energy in the electric circuit Position purification.
6. Ejector
7. Block instrumentation

№ | Indicator | Unit measurement |
Options |
1 | Nominal volume processed sewage water based | m3 /day | 100 |
2 | Installed capacity, (depending on the characteristics of effluent) |
kW | 6.5 |
3 | PParameters of Power Supply: | H | 50 |
V | 380 | ||
4 | Nominal costs 1 m3 for cleaning wastewater |
kW | 1.5 |
5 | The required level of pre-treatment of solids | - | Without pre-treatment |
6 | Diappazonov capacity control | % | 40 – 100 |
7 | The wait staff per shift, (following the work of SBV) |
Workers | 1 |
8 | The purification method | Combining processes, ion exchange, electrodialysis, electrochemical, filtration, hydromechanic | |
№ | Indicator | Unit measurement |
Options |
9 | Cleaning products | Water according to the requirements of the reserve. deactivation of the filtrate (class - construction waste) |
10 | Principle of operation | Automatic with automatic washing filter contamination | |
11 | Temperatures of water | О С | 4 – 80 |
12 | Mass system of safe water | kg | 2400 |
13 | Overall dimensions: length width height |
mm. |
3500 2800 3000 may change size under. the reserve requirement |
14 | Fence contaminated water | Independently of nakapitelnoy capacity |
The results of the SUW use
The introduction of developments in industry (closed water cycles) have confirmed their effectiveness, wherein:
1. The cost of the water used in production processes, reduced in 6,8-8,1 times.
2. Cleaning drains for reuse in the system of water recycling is carried out without the release of water into the sewer.
Claims of control in parts of the circulating water system is not available.
3. The new equipment does not require stopping the main production.
4. The existing technology and equipment used without change, requiring additional cost.
5. At the cost of production has decreased component of the "use of drinking water and the discharge of industrial waste into the sewer."
6. Reduced water consumption limit.
7. Reduced pollution.
8. Reduced consumption of reagents major production.
9. Simplified management of the system of industrial water supply.
10. Decreased the number of water treatment products.
for the engineering of water treatment / purification
Organization ___________________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________
Contact person (name , position) ___________________________________________________________________
Phone _____________ Fax _________________ e-mail __________________
Source of water:
- Artesian surface (river, lake)
- Urban Network (add-on ) Other ( please specify)
1. The source location , facilities
2 . Quality and quantity of water treatment ( waste water).
3 . Water consumption : max m3 / h ___________________ ,
______________________ m3 per year (monthly )
4 . The presence of storage tanks :
There are number of _____________ volume of each m3 ________________
5 . Feeding mode of cleaning :
- Uniform Periodic
- Refine project
7. Layout area where you plan to install SUW with existing communications (internal, external): water supply , sewerage , municipal sewer, storm sewer , electricity , and communications.
8. Quality parameters and flow rate at the outlet from the SUW (after SUW).
9. Accommodation facilities (SUW equipment)
- In the existing premises (specify size)
- In the new premises
- For more information, suggestions
Project Goals: to determine the presence of enzyme proteins which is an inherent feature of basidiomycetes and ascomycetes (and other objects such as green algae); to discover peculiarities of regulation of proteolytic reactions of the specified biosystems.
4. to research the nature of proteolytic reactions of enzyme proteins of fish.
-to discover regulation peculiarities of proteolytic reactions of the specified biosystems;
-to determine additional sources of proteolytic enzymes including the usage in food processing industry and in forage production as well as the fulfilment of technical tasks.
Project coordinators: Zhuk O.N., Doctor of Sciences, Associate Professor
E-mail: zhuk.o@polessu.by
Project Goal: The development of alternative energy–efficient sources of LED-lighting for stimulation of plant growth and development.
- the development of technical objectives on designing LED- lighting facilities for stimulation of plant growth and development
- construction of LED- lighting facilities together with partner organizations
- testing LED- lighting facilities on plants
- systematization of data in the form of the scientifically substantiated report and recommendations on use of LED- lighting facilities
Project Goal: to develop a set of breeding methods of using genes as markers of productivity and hereditary diseases resistance in cattle breeding.
- To carry out the genotyping of dairy cattle population bred in Brest region by Kappa-casein (CSN3), beta-lactoglobulin (BLG), alpha-lactalbumin (LALBA) genes.
- To study the association of polymorphic variants of CSN3, BLG, LALBA genes with indicators of milk productivity of cows.
- To adapt DNA-analysis of cattle bred in Brest region for carriers of alleles associated with BLAD-syndrome, CVM and DUMPS mutations, coagulation blood factor XI deficiency.
- To develop a set of breeding techniques for the use of CSN3, BLG, LGB, LALB, BLAD, CVM, DUMPS, FXI genes as markers of productivity and hereditary diseases resistance.
- to study the polymorphism of cattle populations by CSN3, BLG, LGB, LALBA, BLAD, CVM, DUMPS, and FXI genes;
- to identify carrier animals of alleles associated with BLAD-syndrome, CVM and DUMPS mutations, coagulation blood factor XI deficiency;
- to develop a set of breeding techniques for the use of CSN3, BLG, LGB, LALB, BLAD, CVM, DUMPS, FXI genes as markers of productivity and hereditary diseases resistance.
Project Goal: the development of technological regulations for the production of planting material of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants, the control of genetic purity of planting material.
- the production of seedlings of species of plants of interest in industrial scale;
- DNA-certification of plants to control genetic purity grades;
- the development of CAPS-markers and SCAR-markers for molecular and genetic research and plant selection;
- the development of technological regulations of reproduction of plant species in industrial scale on a turnkey basis;
- sale or transfer (with a licence contract) of developed technological regulations of production of seedlings of varietal Highbush blueberry, ornamental plant species of Pinophyta division, black aronia.
- the development of metabolism regulation conception in the body of vertebrate animals (Amniota) by programmable endogenous synthesis of biologically active [bioactive] substances with vitamins, macro- and microelements and separate amino acids involved;
- Interconnection of biochemical metabolism indicators with separate signs of food allowance nutritiousness for complex control of adequacy of energetic, protein, carbohydrate and mineral nutrition of ruminant animals;
- physical and physiological factors of regulation of dry substance consumption by the animal;
- the development of mixed fodder recipe, protein-vitamin-mineral additives and premixes for agricultural animals.
Project Goal: to develop new biological water purification systems from environmentally clean materials with the highest filtration degree.
- To conduct investigations from the resistance of various materials to destruction in the aqueous medium with the metabolites of clarid sheatfish.
- To investigate water product of filter substance and waste fish products after the final filtration process.
- To identify the most water resistant, cheap and effective material for the biological filtration.
- To develop new systems of the biological water filtration for the cultivation of clarid sheatfish.
- To reduce costs for buying the new equipment.
- To receive ecologically clear production bringing down the environmental pollution.
- The reduce water expenditure for culturing clarid sheatfish.
E-mail: jarmosh.v@polessu.by
Project Goal: A low-cost trout production of all age groups in different climatic conditions (including elements of innovative technologies).
- the development of technological regulation of the trout cultivation of different age group in containers from 1m3 (the production of planting material commercial trout or caviar aquaculture),
- the development, selection, equipment , installation of the small-scale trout breeding,
- departure, inspection, water sampling, design, partial manufacturing, installation of the necessary equipment, automation process,
- advancement of the adaption ability of salmon aquaculture (using biologically active substances),
- advancement of the viability of the planting material of the valuable fish species during transportation,
- augmentation of survivability of embryos and rates of mass salmon accumulation when in use antioxidants, vitamins, low salt concentrations.
Developing complex examination system and the maintenance оf high level sportsmen during various periods of a training cycle on the base of the results efficiency of psychological testing and monitoring the state of adaptive reserves of the main systems of organism at the preparation stages of high level sportsmen will be implemented.
Project coordinators: Marinich V.V, PhD, Associate Professor Kruchinskii N.G., Doctor of Sciences
E-mail: marinich.v@polessu.by
Developing a complex program for psychological and psychophysical testing as well as individual programs of psychological correction of students will be implemented.
Project coordinators: Marinich V.V, PhD, Associate Professor Marinich T.V., PhD, Associate Professor
E-mail: tmar1976@mail.ru
Developing a complex examination system and medical maintenance of different levels of population in the process of formation of various healthy life style technologies will be implemented.
E-mail: marinich.v@polessu.by
Tasks of the project:
Organization of thematic educational projects by students (e.g., teaching the basics of computer literacy for people of different ages with different types of violations). Development and holding of sports events for children with disabilities.
Selection of appropriate equipment and development of techniques for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities in the framework of educational process of students of corresponding specialties (physical rehabilitation, ergotherapy, adaptive physical culture).
Creation of the educational environment suitable for obtaining higher education by people with various kinds of disabilities.
Crop production
Animal husbandry
Healthy food
Healthy way of life technologies
Project Goal: Commercialization of scientific and practical projects in all the areas of the cluster and acceleration of the innovative development of the Brest region and Belarus as a whole. The additional tasks are the following: the valuation of project commercial prospects; patent, certificate, marketing and economic preparation for commercialization of promising projects. Creation of informative, business and educational environment for the realization of scientific and practical projects. Providing support for commercialized projects.
Results: Production diversification, export diversification, growth of the number of entrepreneurs and organizations involved in effective production with high added value, increasing of investment appeal of business activities; cost reduction and shorter periods of development and commercialization of innovative products due to the establishment of professional contacts and business environment, and also due to the creation of business models and projects connected with certification, marketing, logistics, technologies and education.
E-mail: sovik.l@polessu.by
Project Goal: The development of constructive state activism strategy that involves active fiscal policy and expansive monetary one with prevailing role of the latter. The strategy may be implemented by means of shaping the national investment culture and creation of stock market. The project assumes innovative financial instruments development, allowing implementing mass privatization in the Republic of Belarus, implementing investment socialization, shaping the internal stock market. Mistrust to national securities may be overcome by means of providing insurance of investment yield for state investors. Elaboration of different methods to provide insurance of the yield is presupposed to be offered in this project. Proposed strategy of shaping the market of investment benefits will allow increasing the level of financial depth of Belarusian economy on non-inflationary basis.
E-mail: zolotareva.o@polessu.by
E-mail: yankouski@polessu.by
Project coordinator: P.A. Pavlov, PhD, Associate Professor
Republic of Belarus
225710 Pinsk
Dneprovkoy flotilii, 23
http: www.polessu.by
e-mail: polessky.edu@gmail.com, box@polessu.by