
Work with the youth

The Department of Educational Work with the Youth at Polessky State University carries out the next functions:

- carries out an activity on formation of spiritually-moral values and social activity of the student's youth;
- co-ordinates work of the experts participating in educational process;
- solves problems of student’s engagement at their free time from study, daily problems and rest, health protection and organization of student's leisure;
- encourages preservation and development of the university life’s traditions, favor the development of creative abilities and students’ talents.

225710, Pinsk, Pushkina Str., 4,  office 3427
Tel: +375165 31 08 72

Educational work is conducted considering historical and cultural, spiritually-moral, state traditions and national features of Belarusians, with diligence, a sense of responsibility, compassion, tolerance, collectivism, patriotism, respect for one’s elders and care of children among them.

There are a lot of groups that function at the university:

The national studio of a variety song «Sounds of Time» is the group with the unique style, fine taste and a high scenic culture. The rich and various concert activity of the studio is a powerful stimulus to creative growth of participants.

Dance club "Sparkle Dance"

The amateur dance club "Alliance". It offers limitless variety of dance styles to learn. Whether you loved dance or you think you could, it's a perfect

atmosphere to try something creative.


The club of amateurs of the Latin American culture «Solymar».
The Latin American dances are a cocktail of a set of directions: salsa, mamba, cha-cha, meringue.