The project envisaged training of qualified climate managers. For this purpose, project teams will study best EU practices, select and train staff, update existing Master degree programs in environmental protection and management by developing an interdisciplinary training module in climate change prevention, adaptation and mitigation. The aim of the project is to help the universities of Georgia, the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine to become centers for the development of research of climate management to accelerate integration into the global climate market and to meet global climate regulation requirements by acquiring best European practices in the field of climate change prevention, adaptation and mitigation. The specific objectives of the project are as follows:

- Update the existing Master degree programs by developing an interdisciplinary training module "Climate Management".
- Establish consulting Climate Management Centers at partner universities and ensure their sustainable development.
- Facilitate the development and strengthening of institutional capacity of partner universities aiming to develop recommendations for the industrial, transport, energy, tourism sectors and local authorities in the sphere of climate change prevention, adaptation and mitigation.
Indicators of progress in the project implementation are as follows:
- The number of high-quality, multi-skilled specialists trained for comprehensive addressing of the challenges of climate change prevention, adaptation and mitigation.
- Good national organizational structure for professionals in climate change prevention, adaptation and mitigation.
- Qualitatively organized system of support of the development of climate regulation programs at national and regional level.
Project Duration: 15.11.2020 – 14.11.2023
Project Coordinator: Netherlands Business Academy , the Netherlands
Project Co-Coordinator: «KROK» University , Ukraine
- Foggia University , Italy;
- University of Applied Sciences , Germany;
- Mykolas Romeris University , Lithuania;
- Turiba University , Latvia;
- Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University , Ukraine;
- Lviv Polytechnic National University , Ukraine;
- Akaki Tsereteli State University Kutaisi , Georgia;
- Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University , Georgia;
- Polessky State University , Belarus;
- Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno , Belarus;
- Hultgren Nachhaltigkeitsberatung UG, Germany.
We are looking forward to a fruitful cooperation and efficient partnership!
The starting date of the project is 15 November 2020.
EU best practices-based education in Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Culture for the Belarusian Academia

General Information
1. Project Goal:
To promote education and training in the field of radiation protection and nuclear safety culture by development and implementation in the universities of Republic of Belarus of educational programs based on best EU practices in compliance with international standards, thereby contributing to the safe use of nuclear energy in Europe
2.Main Tasks:
- Development of new modular master program that meets the requirements of the labor market for the rapidly growing nuclear power industry in Belarus and its infrastructure;
- Improving the curriculum of the second stage of higher education in Belarusian universities to ensure a high level of training in the field of radiation safety and development of nuclear safety culture in society;
- Renewal of competencies in the field of nuclear knowledge by updating the methodological support of curricula and educational programs in close cooperation with European universities using advanced information and communication technologies, as well as networking between partner universities and personnel organizations.
3. Project Duration: 3 years
4. Project Consortium:
P1 - University of Bologna (Italy)
P2 - Belarusian State University
P3 - Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain)
P4 - Hasselt University (Belgium)
P5 - Hochshule Mannheim (Germany)
P6 - Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
P7 - Polotsk State University
P8 - Polessky State University
P9 - Francisk Skorina Gomel State University
P10 - Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
Associated Partners:
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus
5. Polessky State University contacts:
Cheshchevik Vitali Tadeushevich , Dean of Biotechnological Faculty, +375(165)310864, – academic coordinator
Shebeko Lyudmila Leonidovna , Head of General and Clinical Medicine, Healthy Way of Life Organization Faculty, +375(165)310813, – academic coordinator
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Organizational and economic mechanism for the formation of cross-border clusters in the European area
Integration processes in the European area contribute to the formation of cross-border clusters, which are the most important factor in improving the competitiveness of the national economy.
All of the above requires the development of scientifically based approaches to the formation of cross-border cluster initiatives in the post-Soviet area.
Scientific supervisor of the project: Zolotareva Olga Alexandrovna, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Banking, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Polessky State University
Project duration: 2018-2020.
The project is carried out within the framework of the Belarusian Fund for Fundamental Research grant.
Within the framework of the academic mobility program Erasmus+ Polessky State University exchanges faculty members with the University of Toruń named after Nicholas Copernicus, based on the Memorandum of Cooperation.
The project is being implemented at the Economic Faculty, Department of Historical and Cultural Heritage. The project implementation period is from December 1, 2017 to January 31, 2019.
Partner University is the University of Toruń named after Nicolaus Copernicus, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Department of Geography. The University has been working on Erasmus program since 1998. The program is relatively new for the Republic of Belarus. In the structure of the program there are 5 parts. Polessky State University is responsible for the implementation of the second part: Cooperation for innovation and exchange of best practices.
In the frame of Erasmus+ program Polessky State University cooperates with other foreign partner universities exchanging students and teaching staff.
University of WSB in Gdansk (Poland)
Lodz University of Technology (Poland)
Vilnius College / University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania)
EU project “Science, Technology and InnovationInternational Cooperation Network for EaP Countries Plus” (EaP PLUS)
The EU project “Science, Technology and Innovation International Cooperation Network for EaP Countries Plus” (EaP PLUS) is aimed at fostering cooperation between scientists from the Eastern Partnership (EaP) and the European Union (EU) countries and expanding their joint participation in the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation “Horizon 2020”.
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Logistics and Transport Cluster “North – South”(Poland ) acts as a partner in this project.