
Talk on vocational guidance for high school students "Professions with great prospects"

On October 19, 2021, as part of the career guidance work, a trip of the employees and students to schools in Zhabinka and Zhabinka district took place.

During the vocational guidance schoolchildren and students learned about a wide choice of specialties in Polessky State University educational establishment.

A video about the university presented the excellent material and technical base of the university: comfortable conditions for studying, life in dormitories, excellent conditions for playing sports.

Economics and Finance Faculty was represented by Bukhtik M.I., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management, as well as Gaisa Anastasia, a student of the Department of Financial Management.

The students of the Department of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems Foka Gennady and Sokolovsky Edgar presented Engineering Faculty.

Healthy Way of Life Organization Faculty was presented by Korogvich N.V., Deputy Dean for Educational Work.

Dmitrovich N.P., Senior Lecturer of the Department of Biotechnology, presented Biotechnology Faculty.

The meetings were lively and informative. Future applicants received important information which will definitely help them in one of the most important choices in their life - the choice of a profession.
