
A website for youth named Molodezh.bel appeared in Belarus

Molodezh.bel is the name of the main information resource of the country in the field of youth policy. The most relevant and useful information for young people from all over the country will be on the site. Pupils and students can learn about benefits and special funds, young professionals — about guarantees regarding work and compensation. The site gives information on allowances, housing and government assistance, which is of great importance for young families.

A whole section is devoted to conscripts: how to register for military service, how the conscription proceeds and who may have postponement of military service.

It will be possible to get a portrait of a modern young citizen of our country by looking at the statistical review.

The block named “The structure of the state youth policy” will tell which government institutions coordinate youth policy. In a separate block, the sites of the city and district executive committees are accumulated so that it is possible to receive up-to-date information from your region.

 By the way, the Internet portal is adapted for mobile devices, it works in Russian and Belarusian languages.

Based on the materials from Molodezh.bel
