
Youth and student week

The week of youth and students has started in Belarus. In 2022, the week will be held under the slogan "Moladz.by: we remember traditions, live in the present, strive for the future!". The festive week will last from June 20 to June 26 and will consist of thematic events of each day.

June 20: "On equal terms"

An open dialogue of students of Polessky State University took place with the participation of Artur Gospadarik, Chief Specialist of Public Association «Belarusian Republican Youth Union» (PA "BRYU"). Deputy Chairman of the Coordinating Student Council of Polessky State University, "Youth of the Future".



June 21: "Youth FOR Science"

A scientific seminar on the topic was held for members of the Council of Young Scientists and the Young Leader's Club: "Organization management in the context of digitalization".

June 22: "Youth remembers!"

Students and staff of POLESSU, led by Rector Valery Ivanovich Dunai, took part in a city requiem rally dedicated to the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, which happen at 4 a.m. at the Memorial of the Liberators of Pinsk.


June 23: "Youth FOR Sport"

At the stadium of the PolesSU sports complex, the graduate of the Faculty of Healthy Lifestyle Organization, Yanina Chapailo, held an open master-class on functional training "For sport and health!" for pupils of the Pinsk specialized children's and youth school of the Olympic Reserve in rowing and sailing sports of the Primary trade union organization educational institution "PolesSU".


June 24: "Youth FOR Work"

Students of Polessky State University took part in the action on the improvement of the dormitory: "Let's make our common house cleaner."

June 25: "Youth For Mercy"

On the final day of the Week of Youth and Students, a physical culture and wellness holiday "Equal Opportunities" was held with the participation of pupils of the state institution of special Education "Center for Correctional and Developmental Training and Rehabilitation of the city of Pinsk". The organizers of the event were: Pinsk city organization of the public association "Belarusian Union of Women", the detachment "With a soul for Peace" of the Faculty of healthy lifestyle Organization of Polessky State University, as well as representatives of the youth wing of the Belarusian Union of Women Pinsky College of the Brest State University named after A.S.Pushkin.
