The main directions of research activity of the faculty:
development and implementation of innovative technologies for fish processing and fish production;
artificial intelligence systems;
scientific rationale for the rational use of dendroflora;
creation of industrial aquapone systems;
environmental management systems and processes;
automation of industrial fish farming and fish processing processes;
distributed computing processes;
modern approaches to the architectural and landscape organization and planning of ecological parks;
financial activities of banking institutions;
information and communication technology;
distributed and competing computing processes;
processes modeling and evaluation of the sounds of human speech;
end-to-end material flows, service flows and associated financial and information flows;
study of water use efficiency;
increase the food supply of natural and artificial reservoirs;
obtaining marketable products of valuable fish species in aquaculture;
ornamental fish farming;
ichthyopathological state of natural and artificial reservoirs of Polesie;
conservation of biodiversity of the flora and fauna of the republic.