
X International Scientific Conference "Health for Everyone"

On May 18-19, 2023, the X International Scientific Conference "Health for All" was held. The conference was opened by the Dean of Healthy Way of Life Organization Faculty, Associate Professor Marinich T.V. and the Head of the Department of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, Kruchinsky N.G. welcomed the participants of the conference. At the conference, lecturers and graduate students of the Faculty of Organizing a Healthy Lifestyle, as well as guests of the university - scientists from the Russian Federation (Anpilogov I.E., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of MBDO and AFC of Kursk State University; Golubeva E.Yu., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Social Work and Social Security of the Arctic Federal University, Arkhangelsk). The conference discussed topical issues of the development of physical culture and sports, maintaining the health of various categories of the population. The issues of development of scientific research in the system of higher education, international cooperation in this area were considered. Within the framework of the conference, on May 18, the II International Seminar "Medical Genetic Research in Sports and Preventive Medicine" was held, organized by the branch laboratory "Longitudinal Research". Head of the branch laboratory Lebed T.L. presented the results of the laboratory's work over the past year, spoke about the development prospects. The results of scientific research in the field of sports genetics were presented at the seminar. The prognostic significance of genetic markers of neurotransmitter systems (Marinich V.V., Shepelevich N.V.), prediction of the adaptive capabilities of athletes (Marinich V.V., Marinich T.V., Kardash A.V.), molecular genetic predictors of development were considered. pathology of the musculoskeletal system in athletes (Efimovich N.V., Kruchinsky N.G., Evdolyuk S.V.), genetic polymorphism of metabolism genes in athletes (Melnov S.B., Snytkov E.V., Ma Min, BSUPC, Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk), genetic predictors of deviant behavior (Lebed T.L., Levkovets L.I.), the possibility of molecular genetic testing for PKI syndrome (Ruzhilo O.S., Republican Scientific and Practical Center “Mother and Child ”, Minsk), the results of genetic studies for the prevention of nephrological complications in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (Kruchinsky N.G., Zhur N.V.).
