
The closing ceremony of the third labor semester of the Brest city organization of the public association "Belarusian Republican Youth Union"


The student brigade movement today is one of the leading directions of the country's state youth policy. Each student is given the opportunity to express themselves in any field of activity. On October 20, the closing ceremony of the third labor semester of the Brest city organization of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union was held in the hero city of Brest.

The best labor headquarters, host organizations of the city, student detachments, commanders and commissars of the student brigade movement were awarded with awards and valuable gifts. We congratulate the student service team "Sputnik" named after Hero of the Soviet Union Tikhon Ignatievich Kalinin with a diploma in the nomination: "Best Service Team", which includes students from our university!

The commander of the Sputnik service detachment, Tamara Lozitskaya, and the commissioner of the Sputnik service detachment, Daria Tropets, were noted and awarded the titles “Best Commander” and “Best Commissioner” of the service detachment.

Based on the results of the third labor semester 2023, the Labor Affairs Headquarters of Polesie State University was awarded with THANKS!
