Faculty structure |
Scientific and practical directions of the faculty |
Specialties |
Undergraduates |
Postgraduates |
Dean of the Faculty Docent Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Astrenkov Andrey Valeryevich Dean's office address: 27 Kulikova str., Pinsk, 225710 (academic building No. 2, office 2301) Phone: +375 (165) 65-07-58 Email address: astrenkov.a@polessu.by |
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs Egorova Olga Viktorovna Kulikova str., 27, Pinsk Office: 2701 Email: egorova.o@polessu.by |
Deputy Dean for Ideological and Educative work Levshuk Oksana Nikolaevna Office: 2410 E-mail: levshuk.o@polessu.by |
Specialist in the organization of the educational process Ivantsova Anastasia Olegovna Office: 2309 Phone, fax: +375 1(65) 65-31-72 E-mail: ivantsova.a@polessu.by |
Specialist in the organization of the educational process Vandrovich Tatyana Alexandrovna Office: 2309 Phone, fax: +375 1(65) 65-31-72 E-mail: vandrovich.t@polessu.by |
Educational and scientific laboratory (ESL) “Engineering Center”
In May 2020, on the basis of the Faculty of Engineering of PolesSU, the educational and scientific laboratory (ESL) "Engineering Center" was established.
The mission of the created structure is to integrate the educational, scientific and innovative potential of the Faculty of Engineering into the real sector of the country's economy, including the region of Pripyat Polesie.
The main goals that ESL pursues in its activities:
– support of the educational process, including the creation of a material and technical base that allows to increase the applied nature of course projects, diplomas, master's dissertations;
– creation of "showrooms" of innovative technology developed by university staff and students;
– creating conditions for the development and implementation of startup projects in the field of engineering, biotechnology, and the "green economy".
Currently, on the basis of the ESL "Engineering Center" of PolesSU, teachers and students are actively conducting research in the following areas:
- technologies of fisheries management and processing of fish products;
- garden and park construction;
- information technology and intelligent systems;
- automation and mechanization of production processes;
- environmental management with the intensification of environmental safety management processes;
- aquaponic modules with computer-integrated subsystems.
ESL "Engineering Center", in close cooperation with the subject of innovative infrastructure LLC “Technopark Polesie” as a cluster development organization, is an important link in the project model of student training – with maximum practical orientation of students while they obtain fundamental theoretical knowledge.
The subject of innovative infrastructure LLC “Technopark Polesie”
The founders of LLC “Technopark Polesie”:
- The Belarusian Innovation Fund,
- local executive authorities, represented by their specialized departments,
- Polessky State University.
The subject of activity of the limited liability company Technopark Polesie is to create conditions favorable for the organization and development of innovative enterprises, including acceleration of the production development based on the results of research and development work, inventions and discoveries aimed at the development of competitive, export-oriented and import-substituting technologies, goods, works (services). There are no organizations on the territory of the Polesie region whose list of activities would include such a range of services.
Promising areas for the development of the science and technology park are:
- attracting small innovative enterprises (by conducting startup events);
- expansion of the technopark's material and technical base to ensure the development of residents, as well as cooperation between small and large enterprises;
- creation of conditions and opportunities for commercialization of applied research and development and pre-production work carried out at the University;
- building connections with other enterprises, including international ones, in order to implement joint projects.